Pottery Workshop - Fun Team Building Activities

We have hosted many groups for their team building/team bonding at our pottery studios! Interested in organising a fun day for your team? You can join us for a muddy fun time with your friends & colleagues!

We will recommend a programme best suited to your group needs, event objectives and your budget. Our studios can accommodate 4,6 and even 10 participants. 

Activities we offer

1) Handbuilding

With Banding Wheel (manual spinning wheel)
Experience the relaxing method of working with slabs & coils on the banding wheel to create round functional vessels! 

2) Handbuilding
Free-forming on the table
Experience the relaxing method of working with slabs, coils and pinching on the table to create functional vessels in all sorts of shapes

3) Handbuilding Co-creation

Set a theme, brain storm as a team or in smaller groups to create items contributing to the theme! You might even want to give out prizes for the best creations 😉

(electric spinning wheel)
Think Ghost (1990) movie! Experience the novel method of creating round functional vessels on the electric pottery wheel! 

5)Wheel-throwing Co-creation

Which team can create the fastest or nicest artwork? Share a wheel with a team mate and help each other to remember the steps and create unique pieces on the electric wheel!

You will get to create your very own masters pieces – bowls, cups, plates, vases, pots, sculptures – you choose! Add handles to your mugs, decorate your artwork with names, ornaments, leaves, carvings, company logos – anything you want, in our Handbuilding workshop. Whereas in our Wheel-throwing workshop, the items you make will usually be round and smooth.

Learning Outcome

Basic pottery skills

Understanding processes of pottery

Creating an original art piece using clay

Why Are Our Activities Relevant For Teambuilding & team bonding?

Team building and bonding through brainstorming ideas together

enhancing team dynamics as individuals/groups create team artworks

Promoting and shaping attitudes to learning by sharing a new experience

Create a time of bonding, interaction and spending quality time together in making art piece

Please provide us with as much information as you can (no. of participants, date and time in mind ) in our contact form and we will get back to you shortly! Alternatively, Call us at + 34 619 522 593 or Email us at imannya.ca@outlook.com.

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